Monday, April 7, 2008

John McCain

It is refreshing to be able to get all the information you need from someone's own website. Reading about John McCain on his site, I saw both good and adequate, though I did not realize the adequate until I read the good.

There are some things he cares a lot about, and some things he cares about, because it is politics. That is evident just from the way he addresses the issues. He believes in government reform, in public finance. It is a problem that a lot of everyday Americans don't see, but I can tell that he sees it, and he thinks it is a problem, and he is working to eradicate it. He is doing that because he believes in America, and believes in change. Campaign finance reform is not the kind of thing that wins elections -- he's doing it because he believes it.

He also believes in the military. That can be both good and bad. He may have more of a tendency to look for military answers rather than diplomatic. He does know the military, though, and knows how to use it.

If my only consideration of McCain was that he is a senator, I would have no qualms with him. He is doing work that needs to be done there, trying to get our country on the right track. I do not question his ability to think through those issues. I am left wondering, though, how he will act as president when push comes to shove on the issues that he is not a sure about.

As a senator, he is a great asset to our nation. He shows us that we can make a difference on issues that other people don't care about, just because we do care about them. I trust him on campaign finance, on pork barrel spending, and those are things I do not care about, but I am glad to know that he does. His actions tell me that I should care, and so I support his positions and decisions there. To have someone who can lead with what they care about, and who does not just cater to lobbyists or even just to voters, that is rare.


Carolyn said...

I know this wasn't your intent, but you make me want to vote for McCain! Thank you for your thoughts; I have always respected your opinion and it means a lot to me to know that you don't think he's "evil".

Jennie said...

I had a hard time with that too, because as I have been reading stuff about Hillary and McCain, I am like -- but this is why Obama is better, but I didn't want my blog to be like that - I wanted to give a fair view. I don't want to just post my opinions, but post who I think these people are, and let that speak for them.